Monday, April 14, 2008

Wonderful weekend

The weather this weekend was beautiful and for once I had a Saturday off. So I decided to drag my husband out for walk at Kent Falls State Park since we'd never been there...all I have to say is wow, what a beautiful sight and what a difficult walk. Here's some of the highlights!

I'm doing good so far with this week's challenge too! I drank all my water today, only had two small rolls, which is allowed with this week's challenge - but no other carbs which normally would have happened and danced around the house like a fruit while cooking and cleaning the kitchen, accumulating nearly 1000 extra steps though I'm embarrassed to say that yesterday I was uber lazy and only walked 1378 steps and tonight I'm not where near the over 6000 steps I need to complete to finish my walk in time. I'm hoping that I can pick it up!


Holly said...

That looks absolutely beautiful! Pick up the pace a little and you'll reach your goals in no time :)

Erin said...

You take great pictures! And I think you are well on your way to meeting your goals!

Felicia said...

Congrats on your success!! The pictures are beautiful!! Thanks so much for sharing!


Dottie said...

These are beautiful photos!

Anonymous said...

Where is that? I want to go!