Tuesday, April 27, 2010

Slacking already....

I promised to post daily....and I've failed...but I'm still here...today is a good day...yesterday - not so much...official weigh in was 257, putting me down 3.8. I weighed today and got 3 different numbers so I'm not counting today...last night I ate like crap...I loved me some McDonalds....went to work in the AM, sad day, called out from my second job to accompany my husband to his friend's house because the friend's mom just had surgery....we brought her a balloon. This was all after my husband rescued our neighbor who's car died....and on the way home, his clutch died...expensive repair, on top of just buying a house.....so we got towed after standing in the rain and now my husband has been riding his motorcycle and it's been cold and rainy...I ate well today though...bought a microwave omlet maker so I made an egg white omlet with veggies and had a yogurt. For lunch I had a lean pocket and some potatoes and broccoli smart ones dish (hello sodium!!) and for snack had some blackberries and sweet potato chips (not at the same time) and I just had dinner - veggie fried rice and mandarin chicken from Trader Joe's (I know - more sodium). I've had about 64 oz of water but I have gymnastics practice so I'm hoping to drink at least 20 more....hopefully by Thursday I will have flushed all this salt out....how are you?


MaryFran said...

Sounds like you are actually doing pretty good!

Sooo this gymnastics....do you coach?

Debi said...

Hello Megan. I came across your blog just by searching for other weightloss blogs. I've read through some of your posts and I see some simularities with me. I am twice your age almost, but can relate to your struggles..and even victories. I think it will be fun to see where you go with this. Keep going..don't stop...you can do this!
Second Journey