Sunday, August 12, 2012

Lost and Found

A common thread for most of the weight loss community is periods of great success and periods of failure....I have had both and often remarked that I find it fairly easy to lose 20 pounds but incredibly difficult to string together those efforts. My employer is requiring me to work with a wellness coach, provided by my insurance to achieve a goal. The goal I set is to eat clean for one week, starting tomorrow. Last summer I ate clean for 2 months and lost a bunch of weight, seems like a no brainer right? But nothing worth fighting for is ever easy. So tomorrow I embark on my first week of eating clean again. I go to my dr on Saturday to start to figure out why I am unable to get pregnant. Tomorrow becomes the first day of the rest of my life. My husband made fun of me today while we were shopping saying that this was the millionth try....and I just responded I'm going to try again...because if I don't try....I'm dead.

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