Monday, December 31, 2012


2012 is wrapping up in a rather anticlimactic way. Aside from having lunch with my husband's uncle, we've done nothing but watch TV/movies....and have no plans to do anything different for the rest of the evening. I just read some fb post and other news stories that have sombered me up....Each new year bring a renewed sense of resolve and of course I plan on jumping back on the food bandwagon...I've been eating like a wild woman the past 2 days...but I feel like change is coming...and not necessarily in a good way or bad's been my experience that odd numbered years bring bad things...though I got married in '07...and lost my pumpkin in an even year...I just feel like life is very different from how I planned it, that I'm missing out on opportunities, that I'm holding myself back by not following through or making the tough I look forward to 2013 with trepidation...I don't know what it will bring but I hope it brings strength to me...strength to stick with my weight loss journey, to battle through whatever difficult times are ahead and to direct myself towards where I want to be...Happy New Years to all!

Thursday, December 20, 2012

I've been slacking on posting and I apologize to anyone who still reads my blog...but I have an excuse....I've been at the gym....4 times per week....and eating much better and meal for the time being, I'm going to go with it because I am doing well and I am hoping to keep adding these little successes together to equal my entire story...Happy Holidays everyone!!

Wednesday, December 5, 2012

Today was a prime example of why I'm still fat. I had plans all day to go to the gym after work. I ate a little bad knowing I'd work it off and have a salad for dinner...except I skipped the gym, snacked while I made dinner and ate a cheeseburger and fries (made at home) pluse 5 single package of whoppers, 2 dove chocolates and two packages of fruit snacks. I feel gross and hopeless....and I don't know how to push through that. All I do is sabotage....I want to be a success story!!